The helmet fittings were brass. Or you can simply browse the various categories. Ships in 3-7 days . Length 103 cm A German . These were wealthy young men who wished to liberate the fatherland. (310 items) The Model 1889 German cavalry sword was to remain in service through WWI. 9. Privates and NCOs wore the dark blue sash, while officers had the silver-and-black sash. ), Albrechtsdorf, Danzig (Gdansk), Spanden, Dietrichsdorf, Heilsberg, Gollau and Knigsberg, 1812 (as Hus. German Germany Antique Old WW1 Officer's Sword. $799.00. '1st Rhenish' Regiment was formed from: 3rd Sq. Waterloo fame. No sword is indestructible, and Sport Combat swords are no exception. So, we can only really tell you the 901D markings are worthy of investigation / research maybe and that the later markings are for regional cavalry and ammunition trains. SKU: C48076 . Regiment and slashed it to pieces. of 'Pomeranian' National Cavalry. Within the Prussian cavalry the cuirassiers enjoyed higher prestige than dragoons or uhlans. In May 1813 at Michelsdorf approx. Prussian Saber model 1852. Some attempts were made to improve it by screwing on some bars, but it did not work. But the Mecklenburg hussars took them from the rear while from the front
It was the first time I'd seen cavalry charge at that pace and came back from it without any shouting and disorder." R. Nr. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, Prussian Cavalry Saber Model 1852 for enlisted personel. If you ordered an in-stock item, please reach out to us only if you have NOT received a shipment notification after 7 business days. Thanks, If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please. which is partially obscured. The salvo made little impression on the hussars,
23" German Sword with Scabbard. Regiment, East Prussian Cuirassier Regiment, Silesian Uhlan Regiment and the Guard Light
German WW1 Cavalry Officer Sword CARL EIKHORN MARKED NOT SHARPENED. The saddle cloth was in the facing color with 2 edge-stripes in the botton color. Two bars of yellow lace were on each side of the collar and one on the cuff. When more than one cavalry regiment came together then the cuirassiers stood on the right flank, then dragoons, next to them were hussars and on the left flank stood uhlans. In May 1813 at Michelsdorf approx. condition and multiple sets of unit markings attest to the long service life of this sword. SWDSIMP #31477 Imperial Prussian Miner's Saber. GERMAN POLICE DRESS SWORD - C45724. several other squares. Value My Stuff. Our sharpening service will provide a good serviceable edge on the blade. MILITARIA - GERMAN - EDGED WEAPONS - SWORDS. SKU: C48076 $395.00. Probably from 1814, the Prussians began producing their own versions of the British 1796 sword in the renowned . The main goal for Weapons is to help you survive throughout the Frontier.
1810 -Krassiere 159 cm (of 136 horses which were bought)
GERMAN German Cavalry Saber - C48076. The Silesian cuirassiers crushed the
If an item is in-stock, we aim to ship within 7 business days of your order. 1840 Army Cavalry Saber Sword-Wood Grip . This does not apply to special sharpening requests, for example if we sharpen something specially for you that does not normally list that option on our site. It is unsharpened. Reply . 4. $60.00 + $35.00 shipping . A very high POB will result in a sword that feels heavier than it actually is and is difficult to wield. Uniforms of Uhlans
12 watching. Additionally they carried 2 pistols each. The other cavalry units captured
1. A must for the edged weapon, bayonet, knife, sword, saber, dagger, stiletto, machete, infantry, army, airborne, cavalry collector. D-056 Prussian M1889 Cavalry Saber. 2. (their prices start at 30GBP per ID / Valuation) If you want a free ID / Valuation, we suggest you Google "sword forums" and try these (beware, you will probably only get amateur or biased opinion). regiment had 400-600 men in 3-4 squadrons of 4 platoons each, colonels commanded 7 regiments (3 cuirassier, 2 dragoon, and 2 hussars), lieutenant-colonels commanded 2 regiments (2 dragoon), majors commanded 10 regiments (1 cuirassier, 2 dragoon, 3 uhlan, and 4 hussar), Rhineland - none (3 regiments after November 1815). The Prussian cavalry was organized as follow: Squadrons and Platoons
SE1105 1860 Light Cavalry Saber Grip. Scabbard shows dark brown rust patina with scuffs from age and use. Cavalry of Royal Guard. DESCRIPTION: See page 253 of Johnson and Wittman's book, Collecting the Edged Weapons of Imperial Germany, for a miniature, child's version of this very rare sword.This is the equally rare full-sized version rather like the one pictured on page 121. Pre Waterloo period production French Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry Sword with origianl leather gripand wire binding. Cross guard is unit marked8.T.P.1.80. This measurement will not include any scabbards, sheaths, boxes etc. However for reasons we wont get into here, this is not the case. If you want to insure your item please include $4.00. For example, Viking, Crusader, Pirate, Indian WWII, and so on. A degree of consistency can be found . Hilt stamped with three sets of unit markings; 6.A.F., H.C.8.80 and a third set This sword, like most Model 1852's is regimentally marked to both the hilt and the scabbard and appears to have been re-issued a number of . If they were not as disciplined and trained as dragoons and not as strong and robust as the cuirassiers, the hussars were the most dashing. The Royal Prussian Army (1701-1919, German: Kniglich Preuische Armee) served as the army of the Kingdom of Prussia.It became vital to the development of Brandenburg-Prussia as a European power.. Intact leather washer. The Prussian horse Mecklenburg was a typical cavalry mount known for speed, toughness and spirit. The saddle cloth was dark blue with poppy red stripes. They were the battle-cavalry who on battlefield charged en masse crushing the enemy with sheer force. of East Prussian National Cavalry. 20 dragoons per squadron were armed with carbines. their fire. in 1811. Symmetric tip. By default we will sharpen as much of the blade as possible including any false edges if appropriate. Their greatcoat had white shoulder straps. See the left hand navigation column. Exceptionally Fine Quality German WWI-WWII PRESENTATION Army Officer Sword Saber . I have one as a display piece. However, we have a search facility to help you find more similar items. The regiment became known as the Death's Head Hussars and struck fear into the enemy for many years. The Prussian uhlans and hussars broke two
Similar swords were also used after WWI in both Weimar and Nazi Germany. The only detail on the entire hilt is the application of an applied highly . Under the famous cavalry General Seydlitz, Prussian cavalry rode boot to boot; at a later date, it rode knee to knee; and since 1812, it rode stirrup to stirrup. If you have added sharpening, the item will ship within 12-14 days. Only the cuirassier and dragoon regiments were entitled to carry standards (one standard per regiment) and the dragoons' "swallow-tailed" flag officially was not recognised as a standard until 1891. About (ex /, Antique American & European Swords For Sale, Antique British Naval / Royal Navy Swords For Sale, Antique Islamic, Oriental & Ethnographic Swords For Sale. This officer wears dark green coat, grey trousers and his shako is protected with oilcloth. and 3rd Marine Infantry Regiment formed squares and attempted to halt
Item Number: 64336. Just received this sword which I bought on eBay last week, advertised as a "German Infantry Officer's Sword And Scabbard" (please scroll down to see the actual auction with the seller's photos) A later edit to the auction by the seller stated: ".This is a Prussian/German Model 1852 Cavalry sabre . The vast majority of our customers are happy with the results of the service, so as long as you keep the above mentioned in mind, we are confident you will be pleased with the results as well. several regiments of Landwehr cavalry. Possible values could be Rebated meaning the edge is intentionally thickened for safety, Blunt meaning the edge is fairly thick with little to no taper, Unsharpened which would taper to the edge but stop short of having any real cutting ability, Slightly Sharp, Moderately Sharp , Sharp, or Very Sharp Sharp or Very Sharp are considered good for cutting swords. Please note: Due to the hand made nature of these items, all specs should be considered as approximates. "As early as 1704, the Prussians were using cavalry troops armed with lances. | Website Design by Get Sharp, Inc. You will receive an email notification, including tracking information, when the order ships. of Brandenburgian hussars and 2nd Sq. The heavy steel scabbard is good for age. . The worn Platoon, Squadron and Regiment. Reply . They were armed and dressed like hussars. . 2 in the army list], as well as the 7., 8., 9., 10. and 12.
Our Price: $158.95 Compare. Battalions of 1st
1815 -10. It is the largest online resource of its type on the Internet and has been successfully assisting collectors identify swords for nearly 10 years. In general Battle Ready swords are functional weapons that will live up to actual combat usage. The infantry ran towards own artillery and thus masking
On a spear it is a measurement of the edged portion and does not include the socket. There is also the matching number to the blade as well as other stamps. 1810 -Brandenburgische Dragoner 157 cm (of 377 horses of the regiment)
Prussian troops first received British P1796 sabers in 1809. Every blade is different and some will take and hold a sharper edge than others, due to the blade material, heat treatment or geometry. The Prussian Army had its roots in the core mercenary forces of Brandenburg during the Thirty Years' War of 1618-1648. The Guard Hussar Regiment (Garde-Husaren-Regiment) was formed from 1 sq. The cuirassires wore helmets but there was no body armor. The historic culture associated with a particular sword and the country a reproduction is currently being made in, are two separate things and should not be confused. Napoleonic wars. Landwehr Cavalry. These horses were used by Prussian, German and French cavalry. Sold Out View. Wikipedia: The Pattern 1796 Light Cavalry Sabre is a sword that was used primarily by British Light Dragoons and hussars, and King's German Legion light cavalry during the Napoleonic Wars. Yeah - I would agree - 1906 to 1910 Imperial German m1889 cavalry sword. Antique Swords UK based worldwide sword & sabre sales. "

A POB of 3- 5 usually results in a well balanced sword, but does depend on the type of sword. 3 trumpeters, 12 Gefreite (kind of privates first class) and 120 privates. These troops were used in East Prussia and the bordering Polish and Austrian-Hungarian states and had a distinctly Tartar-Slav appearance.
The final major category of swords in the Imperial German Army was the dress version of the Prussian M1889 Cavalry sword. Roll forged from high carbon steel with a spring temper, it offered a slightly curved blade with a pipe back (spine) that ran down its length to reinforce the spear point. The Landwehr Cavalry was armed with curved sabers and lances. SGi75 Ad vertisement by TimeTravelerMilitary. In good condition, a M1811 Napoleonic Prussian Cavalry Troopers Blucher Saber & Scabbard. WW1 era German Naval Officer's Sword : 850. It later received the unofficial name "Bluchersabel" for Marshall Blucher of Waterloo fame. Our sword sharpening expert has personally sharpened several thousand swords at this point, so will provide you with a professional service. The Prussian Cavalry
Civil War Era Enlisted Sword Manufacturers. 1889. Special offers & discounts on our antique swords, sabres, etc. Types of Cavalry, Weapons, Armor, Organization, Tactical Formations
Add to Cart. 1811 -Ulanen 156 cm (of 166 horses which were bought)
Prussian Cavalry Saber Model 1852 for enlisted personel. With plated metal hilt inset with Prussian state eagle - composite ribbed grip - plain plated blade and complete with steel scabbard and retaining original, scarce sword kot.